
Silver Datnoid (3 Inches)

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Tiger Datnoid

D. polota quadrifasciatus

D. quadrifasciatuse

Tigerfish are a small family of peripheral freshwater fish restricted to Southeast Asia from India to New Guinea. They resemble snappers in basic shape, with a laterally compressed body, large eyes, and a very big mouth. The soft parts of the dorsal and anal fins project backwards and are positioned close to tail fin, resulting in a distinctive configuration that has given them the common name ‘tripletail’ among ichthyologists, the name ‘tigerfish’ being more widely used among aquarists and fishermen.

In terms of ecology tigerfish are all solitary stealth hunters. They prefer to hide among plants waiting for prey to swim into range. The light and dark stripes on the flanks and the pale stripe down the forehead all serve to break up the outline of the fish, making it more difficult for its prey to spot.

Tigerfish have a preference for large, well-planted tanks with lots of hiding places. In freshwater or slightly brackish conditions, plants such as giant Vallisneria and robust Sagittaria can be used to provide precisely the environment they like. Alternatively plastic plants can be used, and this may be preferred in tanks where the salinity is too high for freshwater plants to do well.

pH: 6 – 8

Temperature: 74 F – 86 F

Size: from 12 inches to possibly 24 inches

Age: Up to 10 years

Scientific Name: D. quadrifasciatuse  D. polota quadrifasciatus

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Tiger Datnoid

D. polota quadrifasciatus

D. quadrifasciatuse

Tigerfish are a small family of peripheral freshwater fish restricted to Southeast Asia from India to New Guinea. They resemble snappers in basic shape, with a laterally compressed body, large eyes, and a very big mouth. The soft parts of the dorsal and anal fins project backwards and are positioned close to tail fin, resulting in a distinctive configuration that has given them the common name ‘tripletail’ among ichthyologists, the name ‘tigerfish’ being more widely used among aquarists and fishermen.

In terms of ecology tigerfish are all solitary stealth hunters. They prefer to hide among plants waiting for prey to swim into range. The light and dark stripes on the flanks and the pale stripe down the forehead all serve to break up the outline of the fish, making it more difficult for its prey to spot.

Tigerfish have a preference for large, well-planted tanks with lots of hiding places. In freshwater or slightly brackish conditions, plants such as giant Vallisneria and robust Sagittaria can be used to provide precisely the environment they like. Alternatively plastic plants can be used, and this may be preferred in tanks where the salinity is too high for freshwater plants to do well.

pH: 6 – 8

Temperature: 74 F – 86 F

Size: from 12 inches to possibly 24 inches

Age: Up to 10 years

Scientific Name: D. quadrifasciatuse  D. polota quadrifasciatus

Additional information

Weight3 lbs
Dimensions3 × 3 × 3 in